2023 Northern Regional Junior Science Fair - Hosted by NWC
Name:2023 Northern Regional Junior Science Fair - Hosted by NWC
Date:January 27, 2023
Time:9:00 AM - 2:00 PM MST
Event Description:
Northwest College to Serve as Host for 2023 Northern Regional Junior Science Fair
POWELL, WYOMING – For the sixth year in a row, Northwest College has been selected to serve as the host site for the Northern Regional Junior Science Fair. Scheduled for Friday, January 27, the event will feature the top middle school science projects from across the Bighorn Basin. The Northern Regional Junior Science Fair is a qualifier for the state competition to be held March 5-7 in Laramie, which in turn is a qualifier for international consideration. The regional at Northwest College will begin at 9 a.m. in the Yellowstone Building Conference Center and run through approximately 2 p.m. Visitors to the fair are welcome to view the projects and talk with the participating students. Doors will open at 8:30 a.m. for students to register and set up their displays. All international regulations and categories will be followed, and students must earn a 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place showing in their category to be eligible for the Wyoming State Science Fair. Participants are encouraged to read the ISEF Guidelines, which can be found at uwyo.edu/sciencefair/ along with links to other important information. Students, teachers, and parents with entry-related questions should contact NWC Associate Professor of Chemistry Michael Cuddy at Michael.Cuddy@nwc.edu. Those interested in participating as judges during the science fair should also contact Michael Cuddy and are asked to do so by January 20. Since Northwest College began hosting the event in 2018 (including one virtual in 2021), approximately 300 area students have participated with 125 projects awarded.