Cody Optimist Club Garage-A-Rama

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Name: Cody Optimist Club Garage-A-Rama
Date: February 11, 2023
Time: 8:00 AM - 2:00 PM MST
Event Description:
at Park County Fairgrounds/Heart Mountain Hall
Many Vendors selling garage sale items, tools, jewelry, crafts, collectibles, antiques, etc.
Sponsored by the Cody Optimist Club

To rent an 8 ft by 12 ft vendor space call
Steve or Deb at  307-527-7362

Optimist Club Proceeds Benefit Park County Youth Organizations

Park County Fairgrounds
Heart Mountain Hall
655 East 5th Street
Powell, WY  82435
Date/Time Information:
Saturday, February 11, 2023
8 AM - 2 PM
Contact Information:
Steve or Deb 307-527-7362
$2 Adult Admission Fee (Age 12 and under FREE)

To rent an 8 ft by 12 ft vendor space call 
Steve or Deb at  307-527-7362

$30 for 1st space - $25 for additional spaces
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